Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Honor Society

I have had a few people ask me why there wasn't an "Honor Society" blog yet... well, to be honest I have no clue because... umm HELLO... They have got a ton of exciting stuff happening right now! I don't even know where to start! From the beginning I assume...

Well, I met the boys just about two years and was more than impressed. I have worked with A LOT of bands and usually couldn't wait for the moment they had bus call! But this was different. I am embarrassed to say that before they rolled into town and did their sound party I had never heard them before. It was their awesome personalities, kind smiles, and amazing talent that hooked me in the intro of a song. I am not sure how many of you have had that experience but it is an incredible moment to experience and one that you want to live over and over again.

I was there from load in to load out for the boys and helped Kat Gilbride (their producer and assistant manager-I think that is her official title) with their sound party (a.k.a. sound check) and meet and greet after the show. After the venue had cleared out the boys and I were talking and goofing around. Mike (Lead Vocals) threw a little nerf football at me... well, I wasn't looking. To my surprise and I am pretty sure his as well I caught it. That was the beginning of an incredible journey. I left the venue that night feeling like things were different and that those boys were like brothers. This was a feeling that NEVER happened after working with majority of the bands. For two years with 1-3 shows a week; I met and worked with a ton of people and saw a lot of concerts. This was a first. So, that is when I first fell in love with the band. I am sure you all remember the moment you fell in love with these four boys. If you don't you are about to! :)

Honor Society went on tour with the Jonas Brothers as one of the openers and then went on their own headlining tour. As they worked harder and toured more the stronger their fan base grew. They have a strong Honor Society family now. I can't say I am surprised.

Lets take a look at them now...

From Left to Right: Michael Bruno, Alexander Noyes, Jason Rosen, Andrew Lee

October 25th is the big release of their second full length album "A Tale of Risky Business Part 2"

Pre-order NOW! :) http://honorsocietymusic.com/ you have until October 1st to pre-order.

To get ready for the new album they took the time to look back to the beginning and here is their tribute to their first album "Fashionably Late"

At the end of this video you see them taking some pointers from Nick Jonas and Joe Jonas.

And the good times those were! We can't wait to throw some more parties and rock out to the new album!

Here is a recent interview from the summer with the guys:

They were also just highlighted by MTV for the up and coming artist... Here is the article:




Show the guys some love, go buy their album and watch for their next tour dates... we know they are coming! So... we get to be patient in the mean time. :)

Follow the guys on twitter:
Mike @RiskyBusinessMB
Jason @TheRoser
Alexander @AlexanderNoyes

Get your "LIKE" on: http://www.facebook.com/honorsociety

All in all, I hope you find them as enjoyable as I do! :) I hope to work with them again sometime. Maybe go on tour with them... they are on the up and up they've got to have more room for a helping hand and friend! ;) So, to all my music loving people. You are beautiful and I hope this blog is a good break from your every day worries or happenings! :)

Much Love, Much Music, Much Magic,

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