Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband

To be honest I can't even tell you when I first fell in love with Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband... I had to have been in middle school or close to it. So a good 10 years ago. In high school I remember seeing them live and that sold me. COMPLETELY. I couldn't get over how entertaining they were, how in tune with my inner feelings, and how much fun I had while my mother was sitting next to me the whole time. I have seen them perform many times since that day and I still can't get enough. If only I could convince them to do a few concerts here on the East Coast...

I find that anytime I am going through a really hard time I go back to these songs EVERY time. They never let me down. The songs that you can simply listen to or that you can belt out at the top of your lungs. The following two songs are exactly that for me! Never stop believing in yourself...

And to show the random, fun side:

Last time I saw them was at a fireside(for church) in Sandy, UT back in the winter 2010. That is when I realized I wouldn't mind marrying the drummer, Nate. ;)

Find Them!
Official Website.

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