Sunday, September 25, 2011

Music. Music. Music.

For those just jumping onto this band wagon, before this I have been writing band reviews on my personal blog and after getting a ton of views I decided to dedicate a whole new blog to it! I am more than excited to start this up and see where it goes. A little background on me... My name is Meg. I have worked in the music industry for over two years and have done so many different things that is kind of crazy to think about. I have always loved music and it has been the most awesome experience to work with some of the people I have worked with! I worked on the concert side of the industry. Working for a booking agency that works with the band managers and bands to book their shows and then works with the bands from load in to load out. I did promoting, ticket sales, transporting the bands wherever they need to go since they only have their tour bus. Then did some managing in concessions, and then sound checks and all other aspects of making sure the band was happy. I learned to love some bands and learned to be able to just get through the night with the others. I have had some crazy experiences! So many stories too. So, that is my work background... but my love for music is the main reason I am starting this blog. Their are so many talented musicians out there who no one knows even exist. I am taking it upon myself to highlight bands I respect and enjoy their music. I am kind of just doing this for myself to find new music. I love finding new things but I also love sharing it so to me, this is the best of two worlds! Thank you for caring and wanting to increase your music knowledge with me!
My baby.

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